Our latest topical news and views


Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Trust?

There's just no getting round it, it looks like AI is here for the long term: Are you using it? And should you be honest with your audience if you are?

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No More Cookies? A Drastic Digital Diet

Analysing website data has historically relied on cookies, but recent changes in legislation prompted a new company to do away with cookies altogether.

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Using ChatGPT For Content Idea Generation

Today we look at how ChatGPT and other large language models can help you get ahead of the game when it comes to generating content ideas and keyword research.

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Are You Investing More in Marketing?

With the current tough economic times, a survey has found that a large amount of SME's are increasing their marketing spend and activities. Are you one of them?

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Is This The Real Life - AI Content

With more and more AI generated content appearing online, can you determine which is copy human and which is not? Or more interestingly can AI detect itself?

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Putting the Customer First

It seems like such a no-brainer when it comes to running a business, but are you putting your customers first when it comes to your digital marketing?

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To Create or Curate?

Content creation can be quite a task, with many business owners finding that they don't have the time - so how can curating content be a benefit for you?

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Is Reddit Right For You?

After taking the company public, Reddit has been at the forefront of digital marketin news, but is it something that can be used for business and if so, how?

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Hundreds of Page Rank Factors?

How many page rank factors are there - Is it hundreds? We take a closer look at how these factors can affect your SEO and what you need to be mindful of.

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How Humans And AI Will Work Together

We take a look at the Large Language Model AI tools that have been mooted as the answer to easy SEO-friendly copy; but will humans really be out of a job soon?

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New Year, New Website?

With a New Year comes fresh starts and we are often approached by our clients during January to discuss new websites, but what needs to be considered?

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Has Your Email List Shrunk?

With Google's plan to delete inactive email accounts, you may find your list shrinking, however this could be a good thing for your marketing databases.

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Getting Festive - Baby It's Cold Outside

With the Festive season so close we can almost taste the turkey, we present our tongue in cheek version of the yuletide classic Baby It's Cold Outside.

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SMB? Market Like a Big Fish

Are you a small business? Make sure that you approach your digital marketing like a large enterprise to take advantage of the pre- and post Christmas sales.

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Digital Marketing & Human Behaviour

Marketers have been using aspects of psychology to aid their efforts for as long as they have been around, but what aspects can we apply in digital marketing?

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Where Marketing and Customer Care Intersect

Social media platforms are an important touchpoint when interacting with your customers, so it's wise to have a customer care element in your marketing team.

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Tight Budget? Doing More Can Help

The last couple of years has seen many businesses tightening their belts, with the marketing budget often being the first victim of cuts, but is this wise?

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Get Black Friday Ready with Parua

Whilst not as big in the UK as the US, Black Friday is a great opportunity to increase online sales before the festive period. Find out how Parua can help.

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When Does a Week Really Begin?

Understanding the typical working week for your clients and customers can ensure that you speak to the right people at the right time to get those sales.

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Google Analytics 4 - The Story So Far

What has been your experience with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)? It's looking like not everyone is pleased with this new offering - We investigate why today.

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Take a Look Through the Fence

We take a sneaky peek through the fence to look at the kind of information you could be collecting about your competitors keyword use and how it could be used.

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Is Your Content Fresh or Past Its Sell-By Date?

How can you ensure that the content on your website remains fresh and relevant, ensuring that you come up in the search results long after it is published?

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Link Your Socials to Your GMB

Now you can link your social media accounts to your Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) account to allow for easier access. We show you how.

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Cost Benefit Analysis in Email Acquisition

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Is Threads Unravelling?

With the difficulties on Twitter / X, Meta offered us an alternative in Threads, but is this new social media platform worth your time and marketing budget?

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Digital Marketing for New Businesses

Digital marketing can seem a real minefield when starting up a business. Parua can be a real help when deciding what to concentrate on for maximum effect.

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Pulling the Right Threads

With everything going on over at Twitter (or X as it is now apparently known), we take a look at Mark Zuckerberg's response with social media platform Threads.

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Could AI Lead to a Marketing Knowledge Gap?

AI seems to be everywhere we look online nowadays, and the digital marketing sector is no exception, but will we be seeing an AI takeover any time soon?

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Local Landing Pages for Local Success

Do you have a generic landing page for your local business ads. Find out why you could be missing out on potential customers and what you can do about it.

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Using Automation to Make Life Easier

We all would like an easier time of it, right? Today we look at how using AI and automation can make your life, and the lives of your customers much simpler.

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Google's New Search Generative Experience

Learn more about Google's New Search Generative Experience or SGE where AI is being trialled to provide improved answers to your online search queries.

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Why Offer Your Email Subscribers An Opt-Out?

Are you offering your customers the ability to opt out of sensitive promotions such as Mother's day? If so, make sure you are not causing mass opt-outs.

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Are You Undersharing?

Are you taking every opportunity to connect with your customer base and audience, or are you guilty of undersharing across your social media platforms?

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Calls to Action - The Art of Persuasion

Back in the day "click here" wasn't only a CTA, but also an instruction as web users weren't that savvy and needed guiding, however times have changed…

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Music to Your Ears - Tiktok Copyright

The latest research by Tiktok is showing that music plays an important part in ad engagement, especially with younger users. Are you taking advantage?

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B2B Marketing with Social Media

Social media used to be the preserve of leisure time and was not the place to advertise B2B, but times have changed - Are you taking advantage of SM marketing?

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How Bright is Social Media's Star?

Social media statistics show that it is a huge part of our lives, but just how much are we engaging across the platforms & how bright is the social media star?

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Is ChatGPT About to Run into Legal Trouble?

AI technologies like ChatGPT have been in the headlines recently for the potential they contain, but what are the GDPR implications for such tools in Europe?

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Getting Customers Over the Indecision Hurdle

We investigate how B2B companies can help customers experiencing FOMU (fear of messing up) over their indecision hurdle and across the purchasing finish line.

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What's Your Belbin Team Role - Part 2

We continue our investigation of Dr Meredith Belbin's theory of team roles and how they can be applied to your business and to your digital marketing team.

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What's Your Belbin Team Role - Part 1

In the first of a 2 part blog, today we look at Dr Meredith Belbin, his theory relating to team roles and how they can fit with a digital marketing team.

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Is Video Really Worth It?

Is video marketing really worth it? We take a look at the points to consider when deciding if promoting your business via film is the way forward for you.

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Digital Marketing - How to React Around Newsworthy Events

The best laid marketing plans can be scuppered by outside events; we take a look at what to do when news makes an impact on your business marketing channels.

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Can AI Reliably Create Your Content?

With Artificial Intelligence (AI) becoming more and more sophisticated, have we reached a time where you can rely on it to create your website content?

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Building and Leveraging Pillar Pages

Learn more about what a pillar page is and how we can help you utilise this tool in order to help inform your customers and make your site more search-friendly.

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AI Website Chat Function - Yes or No?

Most people have some experience with the AI (Artificial Intelligence) chatbots that appear on many websites, but do you think these are a good or a bad thing?

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Improve Your Company's Google Review Rating

Your Google review rating could well be the first thing a potential customer sees when searching for you online, so ensure that it's the best it can be.

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Twitter – Is It Relevant? Can It Recover?

A lot has happened since Twitter was bought by Elon Musk at the end of 2022. We investigate the past few months and ask if it can recover from all the upheaval.

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Loyalty Marketing Improves With Campaign Feedback And Data Management

Learn how to make the most out of your existing customer databases by listening to your customers and then using some smart loyalty marketing campaigns.

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A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing

Sure, we're digital marketing experts! But can we explain industry terms to a laymen so they can understand? And more importantly for your customers, can you?

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Do You Have Continuity In Your Marketing?

Do you have plans in place to ensure continuity in your business marketing? We look at why an external agency may be better placed to guarantee that continuity.

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How to Achieve Consistency in Your Databases

Having consistency across all your marketing databases can help when putting any campaigns together. Today we look at a few pointers to help you get going.

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Breaking Through The Review-Request Noise

Many people now rely on reviews in order to help them make a purchase decision, but how can you ask for a review without unintentionally annoying your customer?

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Your Website: That Crucial First Impression

What kind of first impression are you making to new visitors with your website? Learn how to keep your homepage up-to-date, relevant and eye-catching.

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Speak The Same Language As Your Customers

Learn how you can improve both your online and offline marketing, and make the most of trusted reviews by speaking the same language as your customers.

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Leapfrog Cookie Based Data Collection In 5 Ways

Enjoy our five top tips on how to make the most of your digital marketing without having to depend on increasingly unreliable 3rd party cookie information.

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Marketing Round the Christmas Tree

With the Festive season growing ever closer, we present our tongue in cheek version of the yuletide classic Rocking Around the Christmas Tree.

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Link Strategies For Natural Language Search

Understand more about how to harness the power of natural language search strategies when it comes to your search engine optimisation and digital marketing.

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Stay Out Of Google's Instant Answer Rabbit Hole

Internet searching has changed over time. Understand more about the EAT ideology which can help you keep up with the digital trends and appear higher on Google.

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Optimising for Natural Language Search

Learn how the language associated with internet searches has changed over time and how Google uses that to inform the data it returns in search results.

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Appraise Your 2022 Marketing Strategies For 2023 Insight

The end of the year draws near and so it's the perfect time to look back over your 2022 marketing activities and decide what's staying and what to cut.

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Are You Wasting Your Marketing Budget?

Whilst planning marketing activities well in advance can ensure a strategy is in place, keeping some budget aside will keep your business responsive to change.

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Are You Turning Customers Away?

With 43% of those with a disability abandoning a cart due to difficulties purchasing, what can you do to your website to ensure it is more accessible?

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TikTok Tick Tock - Is Time Running Out?

Is your business TikTok savvy? Today we look at why using this social media platform for your video content might just be the boost your business needs.

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The Other Search Engines

Do you create video content as part of your marketing strategy? We investigate the rise of search in video and how a business can use this to their advantage.

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Christmas Campaigns Start Here

Whilst we're not suggesting popping on the Christmas music just yet, having your festive marketing strategy planned will ensure your yuletide will go smoothly.

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Leader Of The (Local) Pack

Are you the Leader of the Local Pack? Today we explore how ensuring that you are using Google My Business to the best of your ability can ensure that you are!

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An App-Titude For Business

Do you use apps in your business? Whether customer facing or for use internally, we investigate why you could be missing out if you're not using this tech.

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Locally Sourced Customers

Are you a small business owner looking to increase your number of customers? Today we look at Google My Business and explain how local marketing can help you.

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It's Fresh...Exciting...

Have you noticed timestamps appearing alongside Google search results? Today we talk about how having up-to-date content can bring you more website traffic.

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Catching Curious Customers

With the recent cost of living increases, customers are spending more time researching purchases, so what can you do to ensure they buy from your website?

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Say Goodbye to Your Email List

Whilst deleting an email list may seem a scary thing to do, it can provide your business with a whole new marketing direction. We explain why in today's blog.

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It's Time For A Content Audit And Refresh

It's common knowledge that new content is king when it comes to Google relevance, however have you considered refreshing your current content? We look at why this is also important.

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What Web3 Means For You

We take a closer look at Web 3, explain what it is and explore why it could be important for the digital marketing and growth of your business in the future.

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Working Past Algorithm And Shadowban Problems

Social media engagement is an important part of a digital marketing plan for many businesses, but is the way you are using your account leading to being shadowbanned?

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Is Digital Data Like Dating

With friends on Tinder and the like, we couldn't help noticing a few parallels between digital marketing data and dating data. We investigate further in today's blog.

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Rebranding Your Social Media Presence

Think it's time to rebrand your business social media accounts? Today we take a look at the things you need to consider before going ahead with such a big change.

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From Cookies to Cohorts - Website Analytics

With cookie data becoming something that can't be relied upon as it was in the past, what are digital marketers now going to be looking at when analysing their website data?

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Could Influencer Marketing Work for B2B?

Many people have their own ideas on what influencer marketing entails and this often includes less that stellar opinions on reality tv stars, but could influencer marketing benefits your business?

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Social Media Mapping

Understanding and mapping where potential customers are on their social media journey can lead to benefits for your business and potentially higher conversion rates if you use the information wisely.

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Does My Business Need NFTs?

Learn more about what an NFT or non-fingible token is, how some businesses are capitalising on their use and whether it might be a good idea for your business to get on the ground early with this relatively new tech.

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As a Business - Should You Wiki?

Wikipedia is a well known source of information on the internet and counts itself as the ultimate encyclopedia, but is it worth as a business, trying to get a page set up on this resrouce and if so what are the benefits?

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Why a Problem Solving Approach is Best

Digital marketing in the current climate has become even more of a challenge as the average family has less and less diposable income available, so how can we ensure that we are making the best return on our marketing investments?

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Digital Marketing in the Metaverse

Although the term was coined 30 years ago, the concept of the metaverse is relatively new to many people. Today we take a closer look at what it means and what one may have to consider when marketing in the metaverse.

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Email Marketing Holds The Title

In an ever-increasingly competitive marketplace, we take a look at why email marketing might just be the best digital tool you have at your disposal and how you can fully capitalise on this opportunity.

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Move Forward with GA4 - Google Analytics

Understand more about the new version of Google analytics - GA4 and learn more about how they can provide more useful data as they rely on event based data analysis rather than cookies which site users may reject.

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Reputation Management and Cost of Living Crisis

Reputation can be everything in the world of business, especially if you are a smal to medium company. Today we take a closer look at the recent P&O reputation disaster and ask if there is anything that can be done to rescue a rep.

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Picking a Side of The Fence

There are many polarising issues on which a company can comment on today, but given the nature of virality when it comes to social media statements, should you be making a statement at all? We look at when it is and isn't appropriate to comment openly about a topical issue.

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Joined Up Sales And Marketing – Part 2

In part 2 of our look at joining up sales and marketing teams, we continue to investigate the revenue era that has developed in part due to the pandemic and our responses to it. How are we going to be more effective in this new era?

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Joined Up Sales And Marketing – Part 1

Marketing and sales have changed quite dramatically over the last 30 years. With print slowly being overtaken by the digital world, we take a look back at what these changes have meant for sales and marketing teams.

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Making On-site Search Work for You - Part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of our blog about using onsite search functionality to get the most from your website. Today we look at what you should consider after your customer has submitted their query.

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Making On-site Search Work for You - Part 1

Learn more about the tips and tricks you can use on your website to ensure that your search function can be found and work efficiently, making full use of customers who are more likely to convert.

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Who likes internal links?

What is internal linking on a website and why can it be helpful? We take a look at a tried and tested way of ensuring you stay in Google's good books whilst providing an user-friendly website to your customers.

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Digital Detox: The Pros And Cons – Part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of our blog on how to ensure your digital media and marketing content survives the culls of the digital detoxes that are so often implemented in January by customers.

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Digital Detox: The Pros And Cons

A digital detox has become normal behaviour for some people, especially at the beginning of the year, but how as digital marketers can you ensure that your content isn't deleted from view? We investigate further in our blog.

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Creating Content for Current Customers

Even if your business doesn't aim towards repeat custom, for instance you sell big ticket items that aren't bought frequently, you can still create content that will leverage customer loyalty across many mediums. We show you how today.

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The Future Of Link Building Is Bright – Part 2

Welcome back to part 2 all about link building.  We bring some clarity as to how link building works and a little understanding to how Google uses the information. So if you have been neglecting link building as part of your marketing strategy now is a good time to get back on track. 

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The Future Of Link Building Is Bright – Part 1

What is link building and why is it beneficial?  We explore and simplify what link building is, the benefits to be gained from using it and how link building can increase your referral traffic.  Plus some added bonus that can be acquired in the process.  

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Reviewing Marketing Activities for 2021

One way to get ahead for 2022 is to look back at your marketing activities over the previous year and analyse what has worked for you and what could be tweaked to ensure that you are more successful next year.

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6 Ways to Improve Your Website Performance

Ensuring that your website is performing well is a surefire way to keep Google happy! We take a look at 6 different ways you can improve upon on your website to make sure it performs to the best of its ability.

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Driving Sales For Christmas

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Do You Understand The Language Of Emoji

I think most people know what an emoji is but are you aware of how vast it has grown?  We have explored this and share these finding – we look at how they are used efficiently to communicate ideas and feelings without the use of words to a complete book being written in emoji.

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Cookies Are Here To Stay, For Now At Least

The marketing industry is aware that both Google and Apple made announcements around the same time, signifying changes in the way companies and marketing departments collect user data to personalise advertising. Roll out has now been deferred but what does this mean?

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When The Concept Of Local Goes Global

The last couple of years has seen many changes in behaviour due to the pandemic, and one area where this is most visible is with our online interactions. Using various tools and apps, we have built local communities online that have the potential to be globalised. We take a closer look today.

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Is Your Marketing Strategy a Magpie?

Every now and then a new type of social media platform comes to the fore, looing all shiny and new and like something a magpie would collect! But is it worth jumping on the bandwagon of every new platform that comes your way or should you be evaluating a bit more carefully?

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Making Social Media Work for You - Part 2

In part two of our look at making social media work for you, we delve further into the things you may need to consider in order to build a successful marketing strategy across the platforms.

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Making Social Media Work for You - Part 1

With the UK well above the national average for users who consume social media content, we investigate why investing in the correct social platform could really benefit your business and why the work day is no longer the only time to be posting.

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Make Your Business Appeal Locally

With many people moving to more rural areas after lockdown, local businesses are becoming more important than ever, but how do you make yours stand out? We take a look today at how to do just that.

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Getting Past The Email Gatekeeper

Email marketing can be a great way to reach out to potential customers to show them your products or services, but if those emails aren't getting through then it can be wasted effort. Today we look at what to consider when creating an email campaign.

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Is Blogging Still Relevant?

Blogging is such a simple process that enabled web users to interact right back to when the internet was a baby! But is it still relevant? We take a look today at blogging and why if you're not doing it, you could be missing a vital piece of your marketing puzzle.

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If It's Broken, Should I Fix It?

Broken links on a website not only detract from the user experience, but could also negatively affect the way your site is viewed by search engines. Today we take a look at what you can do to fix any broken links and the impact this could have on your site.

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Can Everyone Use Your Website?

Making sure your website is accessible to all should be a top consideration when building your website. Today we take a look at why ensuring people with different abilities can access your site is important.

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You Can Quote Me On That

Today we investigate the humble quote and look at how finding the right ones to appeal to your customers can be a great part of a branding campaign or simply some fun in your social media accounts.

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Are you EATing well?

We delve into how creating content and looking at your wider marketing strategy works and why EAT is the mind-set you need to implement to ensure your content performs well for you and gets you noticed. 

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Do You Want a Lack of Click

A zero-click strategy should never replace your main SEO strategy, nor should it conflict with it, however, we clarify and help you to understand why there are times that this can work in your favour.

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Conducting Research For Content – Part 2

Welcome back to part 2 of our article about conducting research for content, where we take a more in-depth look at the basic principles of survey design; From knowing what you want to discover, to getting the right answers.

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Conducting Research For Content – Part 1

Conducting research for content can provide unique insight, when you get it right.  In part 1, we examine the basic principles of survey design, looking at what is absolutely vital and should be included and some of the basic mistakes to avoid.

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Are You Ready for In-Person Events

During the pandemic a lot of events moved on-line and as things begin to change back we examine the impact and changes taking place and offer advice on how to return to in person events as the situation improves.

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What Will Customer’s Expect Going Forward

As we come out of the pandemic, we must ask ourselves what customers will expect going forward. Understanding the trigger for each change, and the impact it has had on how you function as a business, is vital in the process of working out what to keep and what to discard.

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Is It Time For A Facelift – Part 2

Welcome to part 2, where we're looking at the process behind rebuilding, or tweaking your website.  Keeping it simple, we outline the process of revamping your website so that you understand what is required.

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Is It Time For A Facelift – Part 1

Is your website looking old and tired?  As your website is the face of your business we have made a cosmetic comparison between the varying levels of work that may be needed to freshen up your image.

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Is Your Content Tone Deaf?

We delve into why when you are looking at creating website content, social media posts and other advertising materials you have to carefully consider your wording, together with suggestions on how to achieve this. 

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What's Your Email Marketing Like?

Email marketing can be a great tool to have in your arsenal, but how have you found your campaigns going lately? Today we take a closer look at what you should bear in mind if you want to run a successful email marketing campaign.

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Google Bucks The Trend, Putting Privacy First – Part 2

In part 2 of our privacy blog, we take a closer look at Google's Federated Learning of Cohorts and how companies such as Heineken are working creatively to gather the data that they need to target their audiences appropriately.

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Google Bucks the Trend - Part 1

In the last few years there has been a shift in the way that advertisers can track consumers online with GDPR, happening fairly recently. However Google is bucking the trend with plans to introduce a third party cookie blocker on its Chrome platform, potentially leaving advertisers out in the cold.

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What Is Intent Data And How Can I Use It?

Today we investigate what Intent Data is including the difference between first and third parties, what this may mean for you and how Apple and Google are altering the ways they currently collect these.

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Two SEO Tips For Maximum Impact

Times are changing and B2B marketers can’t rely on low search volumes and the proven use of brochures for marketing.  Parua are poised to help and divulge two techniques that a business can use to generate online leads.

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Social Media Tips And Tools From The Top – Part 2

In part 2 of our blog, we have gathered together some of the best tools and tips recommended by leading marketers across the world of social media, that we think are going to be accessible and very useful no matter your level of experience.

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Social Media Tips And Tools From The Top – Part 1

To keep up with the world of social media marketing, we have gathered together some of the best tools and tips recommended by leading marketers, that we think are the most useful and the most accessible for all levels of experience.

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Have You Been to The Library?

If you want to gain inspiration for your own campaigns have you thought about going to the Facebook Ad Library; it’s a great place to go for gain valuable insights and a very useful repository of information too. 

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The Director’s Cut (or Anyone Can Make a Video)

With people spending more time on their phones and therefore consuming more visual content, it makes sense for marketers to use videos as an advertising media.  Our simple checklist covers the main aspects on how to make a good video.

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Using Account Based Marketing (ABM) to Improve Sales – Pt 2

In the second and final article about ABM to improve your sales, we look at how this can be applied, using hypothetical examples.  Showing how using ABM takes this personal approach further into building a lucrative business relationship.

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Using Account Based Marketing (ABM) to Improve Sales – Pt 1

Is account based marketing (ABM) only for the big companies?  No! In part 1 of our 2 part article we take this opportunity to explore what ABM is and how this approach can inspirational and motivating even for smaller sales teams.

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Your Untapped Source of RD knowledge

Research and development knowledge is a fundamental part of every business.  We examine what this means and look into how you can use reviews to assist you; including how to determine the validity of a review.  

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Is Your Marketing Inclusive Enough?

Are marketers doing enough to accommodate those with disabilities, when online?  We delve into some of the problems people with disabilities have and explore ways of making the content accessible for all. 

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Do You Know How to Write Right?

Writing is something we all learn at school, but do you know how to write right?  We hope you find this information fun, yet informative and worth reading; we have also included some tips you may find useful.

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Pandemic Stop Gaps That Work - Will They Be The New Normal?

During the pandemic life has been about rapid change and flexibility.  New working practices have been developed, changing the way we interact with customers. Let’s explore which of these procedures we think may remain as part of the new normal? 

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Influencer Marketing - the Pros and Cons

Are you using Influencer marketing to grow your business?  We explore the pros and cons of using Influencer marketing to help you understand how to make it a lucrative way of growing your business and reaching more people.

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A New Way of Selling?

When making a purchase of a larger item, like a car or house we can no longer just make an appointment to see said product, can we?  We explore the new way of selling, including the time saving benefit of using video. 

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Lights Camera Action: Get Noticed in Video Search

How much do you know about making sure that you are getting noticed in a video searches?  We explore ways to grow your audience and about ways to improve the chances of your video ranking highly on Google.

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Promoting Local Mobile And Home-Based Businesses

How is the pandemic impacting on mobile and home-based businesses?  We explore the effect and changes the pandemic is having on how customers shop and ways you can grow your reach efficiently and effectively.   

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Online Events v In-Person Events

Remote working has been one of the main changes for most of us during the pandemic, hasn’t it?  We explore the reasons why online events may become more popular than in-person events even in the future and remain with us in the future.

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Our 2021 Crystal Ball

It is difficult to know what the future holds, as 2020 has proven to most of us.  However, there are some clues out there that can give indications of the best way forward.  We examine these areas and give our predictions.

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Chatbots - How AI Can Work for You | Parua Digital

What do you know and understand about chatbots and Artificial Intelligence (AI)? We explore the up and coming world of AI and how chatbots are being used as a customer service tool and how they can help you grow your business.

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Fairytale of New Campaigns

This festive blog invites you to join in the seasonal merriments and enjoy our take on the Fairytale of New York, by The Pogues with Kirsty MacColl,  We would also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!

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Using Facebook Groups To Drive Customer Retention Pt 2

In our second part of using Facebook groups to drive customer retention and grow organic reach, we delve deeper into the administration side, using files and features including how to moderate your group.

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Using Facebook Groups To Drive Customer Retention Pt 1

Do you use Facebook Groups to help you drive your customer retention and grow your organic reach?  We explore the potential benefits, the different types of groups available and what the benefits of each type offer a business.

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We'll Meet Again - How Marketing is Shaping Up for 2021

It’s difficult to know when life will begin to return to how it was: We examine some of the findings of the Marketing Land survey and look at how challenging it is to try to pre-empt when things will return to something approaching normality, if ever.

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You Don't Have to be Freud to Use Psychology

Do you think that psychology works in the marketing world?  We look at several tried and tested psychology tricks and how they can make a significant difference to the success of your marketing strategies.

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The Covid Effect: Driving Digital

Is it a positive thing Covid that has forced digital progress?  We explore the impact it has had on the world, over the last twelve months’ and how businesses have adapted just to survive, together with the changes within our healthcare providers.

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Does a Digital Marketing Scattergun Approach Work?

With all the advertising and marketing bombarding the audience, how do you make sure you’re hitting your target?  We review ways to ensure that your message not only cuts through the noise, but sticks when it gets there.

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Use LinkedIn to Link Up

Do you use Linkedin to link up?  We examine what’s new since the re-launch of Linkedin and look at some of the possibilities of utilising the new features to improve and enhance your professional networking.

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Time to Start Planning your Christmas Marketing Campaigns

Have you given thought to how you will market your Christmas campaign yet?   Christmas isn't quite cancelled, but it will be a different event this year, as will how it’s marketed and this is what we explore.

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What's The Most Accurate Metric For Predicting Long Term Success?

How can you best measure for long term digital marketing success? Today we look at how different types of online marketing, such as ssearch engine optimisation, can be an indicator for potential customers in the future.

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Climb The Values Ladder To Reach Your Customers

Would you like to transform your marketing activities?  Whilst there are many ways this can be done, we explore the value ladder and examine how it gets right to the heart of why your product or service is what your customers need.

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Working 9 to 5

Why did Dolly Parton’s four panel graphic meme resonate so well with internet users? We explore the differences between the four sites that were chosen and agree with the core message that she sent out.  

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Not All Industries Thrive On Social Media Marketing – But Here’s How to Make the Best Of It

Does social media marketing help your industry thrive?  It doesn’t always work for everyone, so we have taken the time to explore the different options that are out there, that could be more beneficial.

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Maximise Your Everyday Emails as a Marketing Tool

Are you using your emails as a marketing tool?  Did you know that emails have a massive potential when it comes to grabbing people’s attention; we explore ways to maximise your emails as an easy marketing tool.

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Why New Content is Not Always Needed for Content Marketing

We know that creating new content for blog or social media pages can be a challenge, so we explore how the gaps in your content calendar can be filled in another way; also showing your opinions on your industry matter.

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Do Facebook's Image Problems Make It A Wise Platform To Invest In?

Despite the image problems Facebook have had would you still consider investing into it?  We examine this question and explore the lessons learned; as you would expect we uncover both the good and the bad.

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Doing Video Marketing Well for a Business Audience

Are you using video to help your business?  Video marketing is an effective, efficient marketing technique; we delve into the different types of formats that are available to use and how to get maximum effect and more.

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What's the Difference Between Your Audience and Database

Do you know what the difference is between your audience and your database? We explore this, looking at why your database is one of your most important assets and how your audience ensures success and continued growth.

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Tighten up Your Keyword Gaps

Do you need to tighten up the gaps in your keywords and content?  Is this leading to a low volume of traffic?  We explain what this means and how we can help to enable you to go forward with a tight keyword and content plan.

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How B2B Marketing is Becoming Emotionally Intelligent

When talking about B2B marketing, what is meant when they refer to becoming more emotionally intelligent?  In exploring this topic we endeavour to clarify and enable you to take the right steps towards tailoring you to meet your customer’s needs.

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Should You Set Out Your Stall On Facebook Marketplace?

Should you set out your stall on Facebook Marketplace?  We delve into this question, looking at business in the US and how things are developing over there, together with the pro and cons that might need to be considered. 

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What Does the Rise in Mobile Transactions Mean for B2B

As a B2B company do you wonder if it’s worth optimising your websites for mobile browsers?  We look into the research that has been completed around this subject and the outcomes and explain what this actually means. 

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Getting into Video Without Being Movie Producer

Did you know that you don’t have to be a movie producer to make a video?  Video is a great medium for advertising and we explore how easy it is to dip you toe in the water. It isn’t as daunting as you might think. 

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What's More Important, Price or Client Experience?

We explore the answer to the question of whether someone is more attracted to cheaper products or a really good customer experience, together with ideas that can help you understand and know how your customers are interacting with your company.

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How AI is Re-inventing Facebook Advertising

Do you know how AI is re-inventing Facebook advertising, and helping them to stay as the most popular social network?  We look at the recent changes Facebook have made and the impact it is having on campaign performance.

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Learning Important Lessons From The Covid-19 Pandemic

When something is learned from a situation, then it has not all been in vain, has it?  This includes the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact and changes have been felt by and affected everyone.  We examine how contingency planning can help

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Pop up adverts are like Marmite

It’s true isn’t it – you either love or hate pop up ads?  We delve into the pop up ad world and look at the benefits of a good pop up ad and how to ensure that your pop up ads is working positively for you. 

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Why Now Is A Great Time To Write Case Studies

A convincing case study is a valuable marketing tool, isn’t it?  We examine why now is a great time to be writing case studies, together with some advice and suggestions on how to go about this and what to include.

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Professional Or Social? Linkedin Groups Explained

Do you understand what Linkedin Groups is and how it can help your profile within your industry? We explain how this is possible and the difference between social and professional media and how we can help with this.

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Balancing Personalisation With Respect For Customer Privacy

Customer privacy is an area that has given customers more control over who they allow to track them since the new data protection laws; we explore the impact this might have on businesses and their marketing options.

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How To Be Responsive, Not Reactive, In The New Normal

In the current climate we have to be careful to ensure that we are responding and not reacting to the many changes we are being challenged with during the current pandemic. We discuss ways this can be done and look at some simple steps to guide your response.

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Marketing Lessons From Lockdown

How has the lockdown impacted on your marketing? Suffice to say that new lessons in marketing have been learned by many businesses over this period. We explore ways to develop and adapt to the future changes in the marketing world.

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The Humble PDF Is Ready To Rise To The Top

Apart from the fact PDFs have been around for many years, were you aware of how popular they still are? We examine their humble beginnings and see how they are now a digital asset that can be access on any device.

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Getting Into Online Sales For The First Time

Has the pandemic meant you have had to adapt how you do business? We investigate the changes many businesses have made recently and some steps that can be taken to ensure continued and improved service,

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Corona Virus: The New Normal, Now, And Going Forward

Life has changed so much recently with the onset of corona virus. Have you wondered which changes will be here to stay, once normality is resumed? We explore this area looking at what good has come out of it and any repercussions.

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Marketing Resolution Ideas

Any time is a good time for fresh starts and trying something new. We review four areas that you can focus on to help you increase your brand or product awareness and help you to engage more with customers and make more sales.

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When Was The Last Time You Used Your Own Website?

Why would you need to use your own website? The answer to this question plus the reasoning behind it and much more, can be found right here; and you might be pleasantly surprise by what you learn.

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The First Steps in an SEO Journey

Search engine optimisation can be a vital way to drive traffic to your website over the long term; Today we take a look at the first steps to consider as a business when you journey into the world of SEO.

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How has GDPR Affected Online Business?

It was a big project preparing for GDPR, however, we delve into research that is looking at the impact and differences between those businesses that are compliant against those that aren’t.

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How the Social Advertising Landscape is Changing – Part 2

In our second and final part of how the social advertising is changing, we delve further into messaging as a marketing strategy and how the social media marketing world will be changing in the future.

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How the Social Advertising Landscape is Changing – Part 1

Social media advertising is changing and in our first of two articles on the subject, we look back to where it all began, who commanded the social space and how things are changing.

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Too Busy for Social Media?

Having a solid social media marketing strategy is vital in today’s world of business if you want to stay on top of your game, but getting it right can be tricky; Parua can help your business achieve great things, learn how.

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Where Do Your Digital Leads Go?

No matter which approach you use to get customers looking at your site, you need to be able to keep them interested – we look at what it is that keeps your customers interested and how we can make it happen.

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How Do People Really Use Google?

Are you looking for a really great SEO strategy designed around your customers for your product? We explore how customers use Google, looking whether age can make a difference and a peek in to searcher activity, plus more.

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Moving Real-World Events Online for Better Marketing Outcomes

From a marketing strategy real-world events on line is good news, however, it needs to be done suitably so as to ensure the correct balance between your virtual online guests and your real life guests; we look at getting the balance right

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Learning your Local Internet

Customers are needed to create a business and in return businesses need to know how to reach the right customers and get them to want to choose them. We explore ways in which your local search engine can help you.

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How Content Helps You Reach Goals in Creative Ways – Part 2

In the second part of how content can help you reach your goals, we take time to look at how each concept lines up with specific marketing goals, whether that’s generating leads, building organic traffic or other aspects of online promotion.

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Facebook Advertising Isn't Just for Multinationals

Facebook and social media advertising is often seen to be something that only large companies do, but it can be a very useful tool for small businesses to use to increase their sales too.

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Marketing – The Bigger Picture

Whether you use search engine optimisation, pay per click advertising or social media marketing, it's important that you measure the success and failures of what you do so that you can refine and improve your campaigns.

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Are You Sitting Comfortably? Then I'll Begin...

Story telling is a powerful tool with roots back to the earliest times, before people could read and write. We take a look at how the narrative can be a useful tool for the digital marketer.

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Question: How Does Curiosity Help me Get Customers?

The biggest use of the internet is to answer questions. We take a look at how answering questions using website like Quora, can help you increase your digital marketing reach and find customers who may otherwsie have remained untapped.

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Do Influencers Really Make a Marketing Difference - Part 2

In part 2 of our look at Influencer Marketing, we dig deeper into how it can be used as a tool to increase ROI figure by up to 600% if used correctly including ensuring you have the right brand ambassador for your company.

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Do Influencers Really Make a Marketing Difference - Part 1

Nowadays a career can be made out of being an "influencer". But what exactly does this mean and is it really a viable form of marketing? We look aat whetheer it could be an option to grow your business.

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Are You Sitting on a Goldmine? (Part 2)

In part 2 we look at how using the knowledge you have gained over the years can aid you in writing a great blog, which in turn can be used to increase brand recognition and drive sales.

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Are You Sitting on a Goldmine? (Part 1)

If you've been working in your chosen field for a long time, chances are you have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. We look at how you can use that to succeed at content branding.

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All Work and No Play...

Humour can be a powerful tool to use in the context of digital marketing. Learn more about how it can be used to take your blogs, social media and website to the next level.

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Useful content is the best content – Part 1

In today’s article we look at content marketing, a strategy that puts useful and original content on the web, for potential customers to watch and engage with.

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Marketing content – create, review, revise

In today’s article we look at how knowing your audience and their behaviour help to deliver great content, together with the need of reviewing and revising keeping it current and effective giving your customers what they want.

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Scared of Video Marketing? Here's Why You Should get Involved

In today's blog we take a look at what you need to consider when putting together video content for your business, and how this may help you go viral.

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The Parallels Between Digital and Traditional Marketing

In today's blog, we take a look at some of the similarities that exist between traditional marketing avenues like print or television and digital marketing.

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Amazon Marketplace – Should You Use It?

With so many routes to market online, it can be confusing to know which may be suitable for your business. Today we look at one of them - Amazon Marketplace.

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Are There any Businesses Left Without an Online Presence?

As a business, do you need to have an online presence? We take a look at a local business that doesn't and ask them why they aren't yet on the internet.

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Semantic Search – What Does it Mean?

In today's blog, we take a look at what semantic search is and just why it is an important part of any company's search engine optimisation strategy.

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Sharing is Caring – How Re-sharing Content can Help Grow your Business

Can resharing content across different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram help promote your business online. We take a look at the do's and dont's of social media content dissemination.

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Why is Original Content so Important Online?

In today's blog, we take a look at why posting original content on a website is important and why duplication is frowned upon by search engines.

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Make a Success of E-Commerce

In today's blog, we consider some of the points to be borne in mind when trying to increase the sales and make a success of an e-Commerce website.

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First Focus – Content or Design?

In today's blog, we take a look at the age old question - when first creating a new website, which is more important? Is it the copy or the look and feel?

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How Do We Know What to Aim for From Digital Marketing?

In today's blog, we take a look at the important things to consider when seeking a digital marketing agency to work with in order to increase your sales.

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The Difference between Social Media Management and Social Media Marketing

Even though they sound very similar, social media marketing and social media management are actually two different things. We take a closer look at what each of the roles entails, and why larger businesses often have people employed for both roles.

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How PPC Can Benefit Your Business

Understand and learn more about how testing and measuring your digital advertising through pay per click marketing can help grow your business.

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Beginners Guide to SEO

We take a look at some of the basic search engine optimisation terminology and jargon in order to make it a bit more understandable to the man in the street.

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Alternatives to Google Adwords - Other Platforms to Promote your Products

In today's blog we look at the different pay per click marketing platforms, like Bing AdCenter, that can be used alongside or instead of Google adwords.

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How Content Can Help You Reach Your Goals in Creative Ways – Part 1

What customer actually doing is fulfilling a need when they buy a product and companies should not lose sight of what it is the customers actually want from that product; we explore what this actually means.

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