// Digital Marketing for New Businesses | Parua Digital Blog

Digital Marketing for New Businesses

Posted by admin at 11:46 AM on Aug 17, 2023


Have you launched your own company? Are you looking to add another string to your bow, or take something from a side hustle into a full on business? If so, you need a full service digital marketing agency like us to catapult you into the virtual limelight and get your order books full.

When you're starting out with a new venture it can be hard to decide what to do first, and whether to focus on branding or just get some sort of web presence out there. What should you prioritise, and is it more important to have reviews on Facebook or Google?

We know the answers to these questions, and what's more we can tackle many of these concerns at the same time, as our team can work on your branding at the same time as designing your website layout. Because marketing is our jam we have the time to get you live on Google Business, create your social media presence on the platforms that work for you, and ensure your web content is designed to support all these activities and more.

Everything starts with a conversation where we really get to know you and your business goals. We will align our work with your priorities, but we'll also use our years of knowledge and experience to guide you along the most effective marketing path for whatever you are offering. Some companies really benefit from having an app, and as we do mobile software development this is an area we can help with, but if you won't benefit from an app, we won't push you down the wrong road just for the sake of creating something,

When we design your website you can be sure it will look as good on a mobile screen as on a full size monitor, and we'll ensure it's search engine friendly, optimised to the fullest potential so that your target demographic can find you easily. We'll also be able to advise on paid search advertising, and create a link-building strategy for you that will pull in website visitors, who will then become customers after browsing your amazing website.

We don't stop there though, we can also ensure you have a solid social media marketing strategy so you're getting your name out there as much as possible. The more places a potential customer sees your name the better – the numbers vary on how many impressions or contacts you need to make on a prospect before they become a customer but it's between 7 and 30. If you're on Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram and advertising on paid search you could make 7 impressions per day on a receptive target, creating customers from contacts incredibly quickly.

Online reputation has a huge impact on the success of a business, so it's vital to get going with good reviews as soon as you can. Managing online reputation is one of our specialities and we also specialise in local marketing, so if you believe in the power of word-of-mouth (and you should!) then these two angles complement each other perfectly to create positive online word-of-mouth for you.

In short, we can provide every digital marketing service you could need, and we'll provide the right ones at the right times. Whether you're a local business looking for customers round the corner, or an e-tailer who can ship products all over the world, Parua will be your perfect partner.

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