Are You Investing More in Marketing?

Posted by admin at 5:16 PM on Jun 14, 2024


A recent survey of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, US and Australia found that time and budget for marketing is on the increase as businesses try to stay afloat through tough economic times.

The survey, carried out by Constant Contact, found that 39% of businesses are increasing their budget and 44% are increasing the amount of in-house time they dedicate to marketing. This is a sensible move in business terms as without marketing, potential customers aren't going to find your product or service and there's only so much value that can come from existing and repeat customers (depending on the nature of the business).

The survey also found that over half of the businesses were spending less than an hour a day on marketing efforts, the most time consuming activities being social media posting, email marketing and data management. Marketing tasks were also quite likely to be postponed or rushed due to time constraints, as customer interaction, day-to-day administration and fulfilling orders are the top priorities.

This insight shows that while small and medium sized businesses recognise the need for more marketing activity, they simply aren't finding the time to keep on top of these promotional tasks, at least not on a regular basis.

If marketing budgets are increasing to generate more new business, this budget will work hardest if it's spent on outsourcing marketing to an agency like us, who will provide the continuity you need in your marketing efforts. We're experts in digital marketing across a range of channels and we can simplify your activities to make each campaign work harder to generate a better RoI.

With us, the time you pay for isn't spent on researching channels, weighing up options, head-scratching over copy and content or managing an email list because we have all those skills already. When you outsource your digital marketing to Parua that hour a day you were spending struggling can be spent on activity we know will work, and on getting results. Plus, you get that hour back to spend on your core business while we get on with marketing what you do best.

We understand that times are tough on the economic front, but we also know that stopping marketing activities is counterproductive in the long run. Even the big brands continue marketing through a recession, because they know that being out of the public consciousness will always translate to a long term drop in sales, and the same is true for SMEs.

Investing your marketing budget with us will ensure you get the maximum return for the time spent, and that you're not losing valuable hours of your day struggling with tasks that are our bread and butter. If you want to make this sensible choice then contact us today and we'll give you your time back.

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